The eyes – or more specifically, the EYELIDS (both upper & lower) – are often the first part of the face that we (and others) notice that has changed over time. We may find that we look tired and are constantly being told that we look tired, run-down, angry or unhappy, whilst we may be perfectly rested and at peace with ourselves and our surroundings. In short our appearance does not reflect our youthful outlook.

The eyes are focal points of expression, so if the eyes look tired, the face looks tired. The image we see in the mirror does not represent how we feel inside and is therefore very difficult to accept.

Whilst the upper and lower eyelids undergo specific changes with age, there is a very significant genetic or hereditary influence. This explains why many people find that the heaviness or bagginess above and/or below their eyes becomes a concern in their late teens or early twenties. Whilst “baggy/hooded eyelids” tend to be predominantly familial and are present in people of all ages, this “bagginess” becomes more pronounced with time.

The skin above and below the eyes is extremely thin, and with time it becomes loose, wrinkled and creased. Aside from genetic influence, the eyelids are often the first parts of the face to show evidence of aging.

There are protective fat pads surrounding the eyeball, which are held in position within the upper & lower eyelids by 2 sheets of tissue: a thin sheet of tissue called the septum, which is covered by the eyelid muscle – the orbicularis oculi muscle. With time, these sheets of tissue become loose, and the underlying fat protrudes forward into the lids. The protruding part of the fat pad is no longer protective because it is in the lids as opposed to being around the eye. The result is “sagging bags” above the eyes and “puffy bags” below the eyes.

Depending on your features and your main concerns, you may undergo cosmetic eyelid surgery on either the upper/lower eyelids or both.

Eyelid surgery does more to make a person look younger and fresher than any other type of cosmetic surgery.

We will assess your condition and general health, and plan the treatment that is best suited to you.


Usually performed as a day procedure under general anaesthetic – administered by an anaesthetist – & local anaesthesia in a fully accredited surgery centre. Upper eyelid surgery may be performed in our clinic under minor sedation (Penthrox) and local anaesthesia. Lower eyelid surgery is always carried out in hospital under general anaesthesia.


After precise skin marking, a fine incision is placed in the natural crease above each eye. A crescent of excess skin & muscle is then removed. Excess fatty deposits are very carefully & gently removed, ensuring that an adequate amount of protective fatty tissue is left behind. As the incision is placed strategically in the natural contour of the upper eyelid, it is camouflaged on healing. The incisions are closed with very fine sutures, which are removed 5 – 7 days later.


Most commonly, the lower eyelids are incised just inside the lower lid. The excess fatty deposits are removed and there are no sutures required. This approach is extremely safe, and as there are no external incisions there are no scars. Occasionally excess skin and muscle may need to be removed from the lower lid. In this situation, the incision is made just below the lash line. A few sutures are used to close the wound.

The procedure is carried out very precisely & delicately, with great attention to detail, gentle handling of tissues & meticulous haemostasis (or control of bleeding). This minimizes discomfort both during & after surgery, decreases the potential risks and complications, minimizes post-operative bruising & swelling, and therefore optimizes the result & ensures a speedy recovery with minimal down-time.

If you are considering Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery we can certainly guide and advise you. We want your new look to be as attractive and appropriate for you as possible. All cosmetic procedures have limitations. Therefore, if for any reason we feel that we are unable to fulfill your expectations we will tell you immediately. We look forward to meeting with you to discuss this procedure